Execution of the Balls

Jade and Vivianne have selected a slave for castration. Vivanne grabs up the slut’s balls. “We’ve certainly had a lot of fun with these.” She sighs. Jade smiles coyly, “Let’s have another go around before we take them.” The ladies put the bitch on his knees and kick him square in the nuts. Then they force the slut to stand with his legs open and hands on his head. Jade nails the bitch. When he falls to the ground, she orders him to crawl to the castration stump. The slaves begs the ladies to spare his balls. Jade shoves a black hood sack over the sluts head and ties a rope around his neck to hold it in place. Vivanne picks up the gelding device. The ladies have enjoyed the slut’s balls but it is now time to remove them.

