Articles by admin

Jade and Dietrich have turned the whipping slave around so that his chest and balls are perfectly exposed. They would like Mistress Jean to take a crack at his front side with her whip. The bitch’s balls are tied by a rope. he is forced to hold the rope in his teeth as all three Mistress’s whip his chest, cock and balls. At one point the slave cries for mercy. Jade is so annoyed by the slave’s pathetic behavior. She grabs his balls, asks the bitch to repeat his plea and then beats him in the balls. Jade and Dietrich want to impress Mistress Jean with the amount of beating this slut can take so they turn up the volume and dare the slave to fall or pass out.



Jade and Dietrich’s slave took a good whipping. Still the ladies are disappointed. Their well raised mammal should all but open his veins to prove his worthiness to a prospective buyer. To further impress Mistress Jean, the slave is put on his knees and told to open his legs. The ladies begin kicking the bitch in the nuts. When he falls to the ground, Jean flexes her lovely toes and stomps his balls flat. Then Jade drags the slave back to his knees and kicks him so hard that he falls flat. At that Dietrich forces the slave to his feet. She presents the bitch to Jean who kicks him dead on in the balls.



Mistress Jean is impressed with the size of a stable farm’s balls. She is considering purchasing this bitch and taking him home to her own slave farm. She pulls out her ruler to be sure. Big balls, hard cock. This bitch could be worth buying. Before she makes an offer, Jean wants to know just how much sperm this bitch can produce. She gives the slave a up a measuring cup and demands he jerk off into it. She wants to know how fast he can jerk off and how much sperm there is. The slave desperately strokes his cock and spills his male filth into Mistress’s measuring glass. Jean holds the measuring glass up for inspection. The slave could only produce a tablespoon! Jean laughs at the bitch. She is so disappointed. Mistress Jean informs the bitch that he has disgraced himself so much that she is going to fuck him in the ass with his own cum. Since he can only produce such small loads, he’ll be fucked in his bitch hole with his own filth. Then Mistress Jean rides his ass, pounding him hard with her cock and laughing at him all the while. “How does it feel to be fucked with your own filth?” She laughs.



Dante and Jade have their bitch tied to the posts at the slave barracks. It is nearly time to put their slave away for the night. Dante hoses him down with cold water. Then the ladies pick up their bull whips and give him a beating that he’ll not soon forget. The lady’s cut into him with their single tails, leaving instant welts from his thighs to his shoulders. The slave screams and moans but the cruel lashes keep coming. Dante and Jade are cruel. They smile and laugh as their slave suffers under their whips. This is a particularly brutal beating.



Mistress Jean Bardot, Dietrich and Jade have an evening meeting in the hot tub. They order their slave to clean their feet, arm pits and lovely asses before getting into the hot tub. Then the ladies sip wine and discuss business. Dietrich is interested in knowing which slave’s Jean has her eye on. Would she prefer a masochistic or domestic slave for her stable? As their slaves stand by with serving trays and warm towels, the ladies discuss the purpose of castrating a slave. The Life of a Mistress 2



The talk of castration and the purpose of male genitalia continues. The ladies light up cigars and begin taunting their slaves. They poke and grab their slave’s balls, musing over the purpose testicles could possibly have. The ladies enjoy ball busting. Perhaps that is one reason to spare a few of their slaves from neutering. Keeping a male stud around for a sperm bank to populate their farm is another. Jean grabs her slave’s balls, forcing him to wince. “Balls make it easy to control them.” She muses. Dietrich grabs a slave’s cock and laughs that her cigar is much larger. The ladies relax with their wine and cigars, surrounded by their male servants. They know they have the ultimate power over their stable.



This is the first of many clips in the same storyline. Mistress Jean arrives at the slave farm. She is known to be a big spender. Jade Tiger and Mistress Dietrich are waiting for her as “horse” drawn buggy arrives. They hope she’ll be so impressed with their stock that she’ll purchase several of the slaves they have been raising. Jade and Dietrich have a selected one of their domestic slaves to be her hand maiden for the weekend. The ladies want to keep Mistress Jean as comfortable as possible during her stay. Dietrich shows Jean the electronic collar around the domestic’s balls and hands her the remote. Jean laughs at how easily male slaves are controlled by their balls. Then she shocks the slave’s balls several times. She’ll be spending the next two days evaluating corporal slaves and anal sluts. Jade and Dietrich assure her that she’ll be impressed with their stable.



A slave has been left hanging upside down in the woods. he is a present for Mistress Jean. Jean is in a particularly sadistic mood. She wears full rubber gear, including a hood. She enjoys catching her victims off guard. Jean inspects her slave, looking him up and down as he hangs from the trees like a piece of meat. Then, she tears into the beating boy with her bull whip. The slave winces and moans but he cannot move to protect himself from the beating as his hands have been chained to the base of the tree. Inspecting the marks her bull whip left, Jean switches to her cane. She continues to beat the helpless bitch with both her bull whip and bamboo cane, leaving instant red and purple welts on his ass, shoulders and thighs.



Jean Bardot and Mistress Dietrich lead their slave to the punishing grounds by his balls. They lock his hands to a post in the ground, put him on his knees and secure his balls behind him in an extremely helpless manner. Dietrich demands the bitch keep his nose on the ground and his balls in the air. Then they lay into his ass and balls with their single tails and riding crops. The slave moans in pain but the ladies continue to punish his balls. At one point the slave rolls over, buckling under the cruel lashes. Mistress Jean shoves him back to his knees. Jean inspects his balls, driving her finger into his aching and bruised sac. Then the beating continues. The Mistresses simply glow with delight as they deliver a painful whipping to their slave’s helpless balls.



Dietrich grabs her slave up by his balls. It is time for a round of ball busting. She kicks her slut dead in the balls. When he falls to the ground, she pounces on him and forces his legs apart. Then she picks up his cock, smacks it several times and balls up her hand to deliver several more punches to her slut’s aching ball sac. Dietrich forces her slave back to his feet. The slave begs for mercy but she keeps going at him. She is just getting started. She knees him. As the bitch stumbles backwards, Dietrich keeps kneeing his balls with full force. The slave is trapped in a corner. Oh, how vulnerable! She keeps the punches and kicks coming until her slave nearly passes out. Dietrich delights in exerting her power over her slave’s helpless cock and balls.

